At Century High School, we provide quality education for all students to be successful.  ALL means ALL!

CHS will always be the school of opportunity for all students to become responsible, productive, and respectful individuals.  We will succeed in this by providing high quality instruction through individualized career and college pathways toward education.

What's Happening

Principal's Message

Clair Toledo, PrincipalLos Lunas School recently launched a community of schools known as Los Lunas Opportunity Schools (LLOS). The name brings together two existing schools, Family School Digital Academy (FSDA) and Century High School (CHS). The goal of LLOS is to provide innovative schools to meet the needs of families and students. Names shape our identity and LLOS is no different. Some of us are are named after a relative or our names start with the same letter of the alphabet as a sibling. Sharing a name brings us community and connection. In the case of Los Lunas Opportunity Schools the name provides an opportunity to connect and expand our offerings through a community of schools. So the next time you call FSDA or CHS we may answer “Los Lunas Opportunity Schools, how way I help you”; rest assured you have called the correct school. The official phone number for FDSA & CHS is now (505) 866-2153. Please don’t hesitate to call or email me.

-Clair Toledo - Principal Los Lunas Opportunity

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